Hello friends near and far. The Seeliger's have landed back on Planet Wisconsin. I know it sounds funny but coming back to the U.S. has been a difficult adjustment. We had a hell of a time switching time zones. For me it was especially difficult because I had children who existed in both that needed my attention. The re-entry has had me thinking a lot about abundence and about the influence of environment on our perception and attitudes. I had a small melt own as I was shlepping a sleeping Sylvie in a front carrier, pulling a rolling carryon, and carrying two heavy over the shoulder bags through the Minneapolis airport. I felt as though the airport was bigger than the entire island of Saipan. I had been traveling for more than 24 hours at that time and as I sat down on a bench, about to collapse from exhaustion, saddened by the way no one looks at each other (which is in stark contrast to Saipan where everyone smiles at each other), I looked up and saw a neon sign for an airport store called
Everything ASAP. At this point I started to cry...asking myself what anyone could possibly need ASAP from that store...from any store in the entire airport. We had done with so little for the past four months and were so happy. I was completely overwhelmed. This feeling stayed with me for many weeks after I arrived. I felt frustrated when Kierik presented me with a list of his friends that had "Ipod touches with the texting ap." I asked him why when we were on the island he never felt compelled to ask for anything and how it was that not even a week after returning, he seemed to NEED this item so badly. He said, "simple, on Saipan you can't get anything so why ask for it. Here everyone has it and you just feel so left out if you don't." Ahhh peer pressure. Have I really gotten so old that I forgot what that feels like?
Since returning, we have had a million small transitions and a few big ones. Sylvie turned 2 - BIG SMILE. I went back to work - equally big frown. I could go on and on about what it feels like to be back but won't. All I can say is that I miss Saipan, miss having so much quality time with my husband and sons, miss the friends I have made there, miss the weather terribly...but am so happy to see my friends from the U.S., meet and fall in love with baby Tenzin Lotus, talk regularly to my extended family and watch Sylvie get to know and love the people in my life here. I guess all transitions are bitter sweet. This one is no

different. Here are some photos of Sylvie's Second birthday, 2 days after our return. She looks adorable. I look like I could use a full night's sleep! She wore her traditional Chinese dress, we bought for her in Guangzhou. It looked so beautiful on her. However, we took it off of her when it was time for cake, so most of the photos are of her in her underwear! This blog was started as a way to keep our friends and family informed about life on our little island in the Pacific. However, I will keep updating it now and then as we feel like it continues to be a good way to keep our friends in Saipan up to date with our family and for our friends and family here to see new photos, etc. So keep checking back for updates. Love from Oregon Wisconsin.