It has been almost a year since our family retrned to the mainland from Saipan. We have been very busy! The first photo is of our courtdate with Sylviah just before Thanksgiving when we finalized the adoption process. What a happy day for our family. No more paperwork, no more home visits...just our family. Ahhh.
This photo is of our family at Christmas time. This is the last phot we have of Kierik without braces! He is turning into a teenager before my very eyes. He is officially taller than me with bigger feet and hands. I knew the day would come so how come I still see my chubby little toddler when I look at him?

For all of you who knew Sylvie while we were in Saipan, you will barely recognize her now. Her physical appearance has changed quite dramatically. She continues to grow like a weed. She is three feet tall already and wears 3T-4T clothes. What happened to my baby? Her physical appearance is nothing, however, to the amazing growth she has had developmentally and emotionally. She no longer takees a bottle (gave that up right after Thanksgiving), she eats everything in sight, she is social and a bit bossy, she loves her granparents and is really only happy when she is the center of attention. She has started gymnastics classes, goes to preschool, and is almost potty trained. She talks a mile a minute and is so clear and articulate that she is the language model for one of the other boys at preschool! Who would have guessed that would happen a year ago when she hardly knew English.

We continue to try to connect her with Chinese culture. We are so lucky to have good friends from China that help us to expand our learning and understanding. Plus they are teaching us to cook amazing Chinese food. We relish these relationships and hope Sylvie will too. We are a part of the Madison Families with Children from China group. In this photo we are making 3 dozen rabbit cookies for the Lunar New Year celebration. What a mess! We had a great time, but I am not sure that people will appreciate their rabbits decorated in blue sprinkles (Sylvie's favorite color.)
Well, I am writing this post because it looks like I will be returning to Saipan for the month of March. This time, sadly, it will only be Sylvie and I. I look forward to reconnecting with old friends and continuing the work that I began on this wonderful and complicated island.