Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Boy's Last Day at Whispering Palms

Whispering Palms school was such an awesome place. The boys recieved an unbelievable education, made great friends, had kind and watchful teachers, and an all around great experience. Their last day was no exception. Here are some photos. Unfortunately, they are mostly from Kaden's party because his teacher had her camera. Rest assured that Kierik had a great last day too! Matt and I brought in a cake for all the kids in the school. Everyone was impressed with the cake design. Kaden attempted to eat the octopushead but got a belly ache half way through.

This school has given both of my sons a sense of confidence that they did NOT have before this experience. To prove it, Kaden decided, on his own, that he wanted to sing a song as a parting gift to his class. He went to the computer lab, downloaded the Lyrics to Jack Johnson's "Bubbly Toes" and got his friend John to play back up guitar. Unbelieveable!

As you know, Kaden's hat became an infamous part of him. He wore it nearly every day. He even wore it to PE class in 80 degree weather. The night before his last day of school he announced to me that he would like to "donate" his hat to the school. I chuckled and said, "ohhh Kaden, the school won't want that old hat. Maybe you should leave it home for the last day." Well, he ignored me and low and behold, the class LOVED his idea of donating the hat. They hung it in a special spot, had a ceremony and made a plaque that hangs below it. It reads, "Whoever touches this hat will have good luck. And will maybe get $100."
Each of the kids in Kaden's class got up in front and gave Kaden a special accolade. It started with "What I will miss mosst about Kaden..." He was very moved. He asked his teacher if he could share what he will miss about the class. He was well spoken and articulate naming very specific things and naming his most special people. Finally, his little jaw started to quiver and he told his teacher he was finished. It was a very emotional day.

The Boys Final Days in Saipan

Well, Matt and the boys have left the island of Saipan and returned to Wisconsin. I miss them terribly already! So do their friends. Sylvie and I will return home on April 19th. Everyone worked hard to make their last week on the island fun. I will post 3 seperate posts so it doesn't get overwhelming. This is a picture of our evening out without kids.

Matt and I had a final dive a a world renowned spot called the Grotto. This was a scary dive for me because you have to go through caves. Notice how part of the water looks like it is glowing? That is the sunlight streaming in from the other side of the underwater cavern. I am so happy we did it! It was truely spectacular.

Now we need to come back so we can dive it at night!

We had a wonderful Easter Sunday spent hanging out at the Hyatt Resort with friends. They had an incredible brunch, an Easter egg hunt and live Easter bunnies!

Matt and I spent the final hours of Easter watching the sunset with friends at the Hyatt beach. The boys played beach volleyball and played in the ocean. It was lovely, peaceful and relaxing. This may have had something to do with Sylvie missing her nap and conking out on a beach chair around 6:00PM - smile.