The rain has not kept us completely off the beach or out of the ocean but we spent much more time exploring the city and our new backyard. The boys found a huge Gecko that was Kaden's pet for a while. They spent hours learning about and harvesting the fruit that grows around our house. Lessons learned:
- the papayas and mangoes are NOT ripe yet, even if we really really want them to be
- coconuts are really really hard to get open even with a brand new machete
- bananas come in two forms, the eating kind and the cooking kinds and there can be no mistaking the two
- oranges on the island are actually green
- if you eat more than 5 star fruit it is highly likely that you will get a belly ache
- banana leaves make great umbrellas
- we may have a lemon tree or it may be a lime tree so for now we have a citrus tree
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