Thursday, March 4, 2010

Happpy Birthday to me...I live by the Sea...

in a tropical paradise...with my family. Run into the into the sea...we won't shut-up until you run into the sea. This is the new birthday song the boys and I made up at dinner last night as we celebrated my 35th birthday (thanks mom for reminding me of just how old I really am). It was a great day full of many Saipan events.

I started out my day by having a cup of coffee with my friend Eugene. Great way to start the day! Then I chaperoned Kaden's fieldtrip to the Saipan Botanical Gardens, along with Sylvie and Matt. The class was supposed to tour the gardens in the "Happy Wagon" which had unfortunately broke down that morning. So that left the children to tour on foot and without a tour guide (as he was also the mechanic trying to fix the "not-so-happy wagon"). But never fear! My valiant husband stepped up to the plate with a miniature map and tiny descriptions. He led the group of children through the gardens and even managed to engage them in some lively banter about fruit trees, flowers and other interesting plants. Many of which we recognized as enormous versions of the small tropical plants we attempt to grow as annuals or houseplants. Kaden was paired up with Daniel, Eugene's youngest son, and they were inseparable all day. So Cute!

Kaden also found a litter of baby kittens only a few days old, tied up in a plastic bag in a trash can at the park where Kierik was practicing soccer. Stray animals are a HUGE problem on this island. However, we could not leave the kittens there to die. So we took them home and nursed them with a medicine dropper through the night. The next day we called an organization called PAWS that helps to pay for the vet bills and helps place stray animals with adoptive families. We are so thankful to this wonderful organization. We dropped the kittens off at the Paradise Vet Clinic to receive proper medical attention and nutrition. I am sure we will visit the little kittens often over the next four weeks.

Later that evening we went to the Grotto Restaurant for dinner and it was delicious! The kids all were so well behaved for my birthday. We were treated with purple sweet potato ice cream for my B-day dessert. With birthday money from my parents, I treated myself to a new island swim suit prior to going to Managaha. These photos are of my new swim suit in the waters around Managaha. It occurred to me that you may never think I get in the water as I am always behind the lens. Rest assured I am in it as much as possible. Thanks Mom for the new swim suit and I look forward to our shopping trips when I returnback home!!! Now, I'd better not eat too much of that good ice cream.

After dinner we went home to help the boys with their homework. Meanwhile Sylvie occupied herself by dressing up in all of the boys clothing that was strewn around their bedroom. She is getting quite good at dressing herself and she is so funny. I think she will be a girl who needs a large cosume box. Good thing her mom already has that covered! Here are some photos of her pretending she is playing soccer like her brothers! I thought it was especially cute that she has her little sister t-shirt on since she is so looking up to her big brothers.

Finally, at the end of the evening, I was surprised by a visit from Eugene who popped over with a Birthday present! She bought me a beautiful necklace and two pairs of earrings! It was just so sweet and unexpected that I could have cried. I am wearing them both very proudly today to work and I have the necklace on in this photo Matt took last night while I was helping the boys with their homework. I think I will consider it my 35th birthday portrait. Although I do not think I look very good, I am sure I will look back at it on my 50th birthday and feel differently. So, although it was not the wild and crazy birthdays I am used to, it was one I will not forget. It was a wonderful day with my family in tropical paradise.


  1. Fun photos and I can just hear you all singing your new birthday song! It's also fun seeing the pictures in your house now that we know what the rest of the room looks like - kind of gives us a complete picture. I still can't figure out how Kaden can wear a wool knit hat when it's 86 degrees, but he's sure cute in it! And Sylvie looks right at home in soccer clothes! Happy birthday again!

  2. I can not think of a more beautiful way to spend my birthdya!!!
