Friday, January 1, 2010

Getting there is MORE than half the battle!

We left the United States in 2009 and arrived in Saipan in 2010. The cheap boxed champagne and awkward hugs from the airline staff at the 25 hour of traveling mark did little to appease my exhaustion or to increase my celebratory mood. However, we did not encounter any major snafus so overall we count ourselves lucky. Traveling with Sylvie illustrated how much she has changed in the short time since she joined our family. She easily settled into my arms to sleep, was easily entertained on our laps, and actually managed to sleep for about 6 hours of flight time.


  1. What beautiful smiles Kierik and Kaden! And after such a long flight - you guys are travel troopers! Glad to see all your faces. We miss you, of course, but are so excited for you to be having such wonderful experiences!
    Love Grandma Alice

  2. Michael- Great to see you guys having fun. I'm in Florida and it is 35 degrees and raining. Today's high was 45 and tomorrow they are calling for some snow and ice. It is nice to see your weather. We will have to come over next month.
    Can't believe that the boys already learned to skim board and spear fish---Oh, yes that is right they are Seeligers so I'm not really surprised.

  3. It is so fun seeing all the pictures of the kids and all the fun they are having - I miss them so much (you and Matt as well). Sylvie is certainly a little clothes horse - she sure does look adorable - such a beautiful smile - just like Kierik and Kaden. The boys are finding every critter on the island - reminds me of how you would look for lizards for hours on end on our Florida vacations. Love to all - Mom and Dad
