Saturday, January 30, 2010

More photos from the island

Having a great time this weekend. Explored some different parts of the island and discovered a Go-Cart Track! The boys loved it! They are already talking about racing Grandpa Michael when he gets here!
This is a photo of the sunrise taken from the roof of our house. We tease that we have a view of the ocean. You can see a little slice from the roof! Matt and I enjoyed some quiet rooftop time last night under the full moon and 80 degrees at 10:30 PM. Ahhhhh. Roofs are flat here on the island. They grow their insects LARGE here. Kaden insisted that I photograph this spider yesterday. It was about the size of my hand. Not sure you can tell from the photo. The boys had a wonderful experience snokeling yesterday! The two of them were out at Pau Pau beach snorkeling around and happened upon 4 Eagle rays. This is a rarity on the island and they got to experience it side by side. Matt and I were not close enough to get there in time to see them before they swam off. They were exstatic! Matt and I are going diving in a few hours with our friends and really looking forward to it! I am still hoping to see a sea turtle!

The Darker Side of Island Life
Being a $1200 plane ticket away from all of you! We miss you!


  1. Elizabeth...can you send me your email address? Abby wants to touch bases with you about this summer.

  2. Hellllllooooooooooooooooooo!
    Kaden and Kierik, I looked at the link to the Spotted Eagle Ray and watched the video. That must have been the most amazing experience! They are so much more interesting than the usual one-color rays, right!!!? I hope we can see them with you when we get there -- you'll have to show us how!
    Fishy kisses,
    Grandma Alice

  3. Hello there! It's so great to read your posts and see the pictures of all of you looking so happy in your new environment! I'm glad you're writing about the experience of being there. *hugs*

  4. Well it is only a week and a half away now. It will be a Birthday I won't forget. Once I was teeing up a ball on my Birthday in Alabama and I thought that was special. When we arrive on the 17th I will be able to spend the entire day with my boys, catching things. What a thrill.
    Do you think they are getting any meaniful life experiences?
    They will grow up spectacularly.
